Here in our new state we have learned that raised garden beds are really your best bet for success. So we hopped to the home improvement center a couple of miles away and got the goods we needed to put it together. What follows is a K design through and through. I was there merely for manual labor. Not the most flattering angle of yours truly with regards to the puffy shirt but I got to break out the circular saw. And Sedona got to eat outdoor nibbles. Beer and power tools don't mix so I didn't break out the cold tasty treats until after all the wood had been cut. We made the command decision that the power drill did not actually constitute a power tool as it could not actually sever a finger let alone an entire limb. I cut the wood and K cobbled the structure.
K relaxes in the driveway with her latest creation. The garden bed is placed for optimal sun / shade. K admires the placement.
I wanted a lap pool but will have to settle for tomatoes and peppers and other assorted veggie goodies.
Sedona investigates...
... and is not too impressed.
We didn't get enough soil, humus, manure so I could only fill it halfway.
Some succulents smuggled in from NC on the plane from our last visit.
The tomato and pepper plants. We are trying to start them from seed this year. Wish us luck!
The weeding of the front yard has begun.
And it continues.
K planted daffodils a couple of months ago and they have started to come in - rather magnificently I might add. Jerome likes how they accentuate his svelte physique.
The house across the street - the leaves have started to come in nicely. The grass in the neighborhood is starting to come online as well. Our house is a touch tardy as the next photo will illustrate perfectly.
The picture speaks for itself. Grass has a hard time out here so every house seems to have a different strain of grass as you have to start from scratch with it and it comes in at different rates. So ours isn't quite as bad as it looks as it is a strain that starts later than the neighbor's!
Ok this is an interesting story. This is Clarksdale the 'neighborhood' cat. He is feral and hangs out in the neighborhood. We started leaving food out for him and created a bed for him in the garage and he has adopted us. Now that the weather is getting warmer and the doors are staying open he wants to come in and hang out. We still can't pet him and he scares easily but he does like to sleep in the green chair in the reading nook. He is also a bit of a drug addict - street cat / hustler that he is. I put some catnip on a cardboard scratching box that is in the front room. The other cats - more of a wine and cheese set - don't really care for the hard stuff and don't mess with the scratching box, but Clarksdale sneaks in now and again to get his 'nip fix. We are keeping an eye on him to see if he qualifies for Celebrity Kitty Rehab on MTV. Stay tuned.